T.G.I.F! And what another great day to watch more inspiring videos and take off work early!
Here are couple of playful & captivating videos by Labour.
They're an amazing Brooklyn based multimedia studio founded by couple of RISD guys (Ryan Dunn and Wyeth Hansen). There's also an interview with Labour via Designing Minds where you can see lots of other interviews with talented artist and designers...Another good interview is with Julia Rothman. They're mostly people who graduated from RISD, Cranbrook, Art Center....Ugh!!! I loath people from from all those schools!! ...But only because I wished I was able to go there. (-_-) sigh...
I suppose it's not too late. Maybe with the whole economic downturn those art schools might start lowering their tuition....perhaps a liquidation sale of 50% off for masters program or something....I'd buy that.