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Moire Mobile Debut at Visions / Perceptions INSTALLATION

Ladies & Gentlemen Studio debuted its newest mobile Moire – the first piece in an editioned kinetic sculpture series – on September 5, 2019, during Maison & Objet
in Paris at the Triode Design Gallery. The new design debuts as part of Visions / Perceptions – an installation designed by L&G in collaboration with Calico Wallpaper and John Hogan. The installation explores the connection between material realities and optical illusions, featuring new works by all three studios.

An iteration of L&G's past kinetic works, Moire explores new dimensions of optical material effects using bent perforated sheet metal. Through an assemblage of overlapping organic shapes, a smoothly shifting composition insects with the surrounding environment revealing a complex undulation of geometries that alternate between obscured and transparent materiality. The exploration speaks to L&G's fascination with revealing the inherent qualities of ubiquitous materials in expected ways - here employing sheet metal to an effect that defies its typical heaviness in favor of an airy lightness. The resulting effect is reminiscent of starling murmurations across a twilit horizon. Moire is an editioned series crafted by L&G Studio at their Brooklyn studio. Custom sizes, colors, and variations available on a commission basis.

Our design and creative direction services are available for your custom project.